Friday, October 3, 2008

Duncan's Crossing

Two different historical markers are located at Duncan's Crossing of the Pawnee Fork River on the military road from Fort Hays to Fort Dodge. A marker (see this web site) was placed in 1929 by a local ladies aid society in honor of George Duncan and John O'Loughlin, who established a trading post at the location beginning in 1869.

A second marker can be seen at this web page. Duncan's Crossing is located in Hodgeman County, which adjoins Ness County.

Nearby in Ness County, the site of the Cheyenne village (described in the previous post) is now the property of the support group called The Fort Larned Old Guard: "One of the most exciting projects the Old Guard has undertaken is that they have purchased the Cheyenne-Sioux Indian village site northwest of Fort Larned in Ness County, the same site when in April of 1867 General Winfield Scott Hancock burned this village to start what was later called "Hancock's War". Living history activities are being held on the site, see this web page.

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