Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Bent Brothers and Fort Wallace

The profile of Charley Bent in The Encyclopedia of Frontier Biography places Charles and his brother George with the Cheyenne warriors who raided the vicinity of Fort Wallace in June 1867. Their war party could have participated in the attack described in the previous post.

Details about Fort Wallace can be found at this excellent web site from Santa Fe Trail Research: Fort Wallace, originally known as Camp Pond Creek, was the most western post in Kansas along the Smoky Hill trail, and from 1865 to 1878 bore the brunt of the hostile Indian activity in the state.

1 comment:

GaryL said...

It is likely that Charley Bent was in the Fort Wallace fight, but a letter dated May 7th 1913 from George Bent to historian George Hyde suggests that he (George Bent) was not. Although he may not have wanted to admit that he had been present.

George's account of the skirmish from the Indian side reads:

My Dear Friend

I received letter from Butler few days ago. in few days he is going to send 2 Chapters for the Book for me to look over it and see if it is right. Butler is picking up some good Stuff to go with the Book. and it is all straight. now about fight at Fort Wallace on Smoky Hill River in June 1867 where the Cheyennes Killed. 7 Soldiers. 2 Companies of 7th Cavl Came Out from Fort Wallace to fight About 200 Cheyennes and 50 Sioux. He says the report says Roman Nose was head of this War party. and he was shot by Soldier. Roman Nose was not in this fight he was at Beaver Creek in Camp. he says one powerful Warrior took of Bugler Charles Clark. than killed him. Big Moccasin Captured Clark and Long Chin an Old Cheyenne Killed him Big Moccasin turned him over to him to do as he wanted with him. Long Chin’s son had been killed by Troops. not long before this fight. he says that Roman Nose rode fine Gray horse and lanced Soldiers off his horse. Two Crows says. he was in this fight. and knows all about it. he says this Indian on Gray horse was Bear With Feathers. very brave Warrior. I knew him well. he was over 6 feet tall. fast Runner. I see some Old Crazy Timer is Writing Book. some how he found Out where I was and wrote to. I am sending his letter. he say Little Raven Cheyenne Chief. Raven was Arapaho not Cheyenne your Friend
George Bent